1. Shipping cost: Click"Shipping and payment"tab on the product detail page, and you will see the delivery details. You can calculate shipping cost by inputting the required information.
2. Time in transit: Transit time varies with different shipping methods.
3. Item Processing Time: The processing time for a specific order varies with the product type and stock status. Mostly, processing time can be 3 to 15 working days.
4. Customs Fees: In most time, the buyer need not pay any customs. But sometimes in some countries, the customs officer may be strict. we dont accountable any customs fee, Please check it out the customs policy at your own place. If you have to pay the customs fees, it is your duty to your own country, the buyer should understand this situation.
Please contact us within 48 hours after receiving the item. The returned item must be in perfect condition. For dresses, you also need to pay 30% total amount of order as restock fee. It is required that the item or dresses should be returned to us within 14 days after the return request is accepted.Return shipping charges will be the buyer's responsibility.
Exchanges are only allowed for the items which are defective, wrongly shipped or damaged upon receipt. All items can only exchange for equal price replacement, please be aware that we will issue the replacements only after your returns have been received.
(3)Procedures Of Return And Get Refund
Contact our customer service immediately. For the issues you mention, we need you provide evidence to prove. We will give you the returning mailing address.
After the returned item by you is received, we will refund you in 3 to 7 working days by PayPal. Rush order fee and the shipping cost you paid before is non-refundable.